
One of the best parts of summer is the bounty of fresh fruits and vegetables at local farm stands and farmers’ market in every state. Wondering what’s in season in July? Stone fruits, juicy red, yellow, and orange tomatoes, and sweet berries, to name just a few. All this fresh produce makes it easy to make healthy summer recipes. Here, five items that you should keep an eye out for this month.

We’ll take these gem-like treats over real jewels any day! ‘Tis the season for splurging on pints and quarts of ripe blueberries, juicy raspberries, and tasty blackberries. It’s that beautiful time of the year when their seasons overlap with strawberries and stone fruit, which means the hardest thing about dessert right now is deciding what to make! Start by properly washing and storing berries, then experiment with all of our delicious recipes. And if you want to learn more about different berry varieties, check out Martha’s Berry Garden.

A perfectly ripe peach has got to be one of summer’s greatest pleasures. Both the white and yellow varieties are at their peak in July and August, and devouring them over the sink is just one of the many ways to enjoy them. While your first thought might be dessert, don’t forget about all the savory applications for peaches. Toss them in a salad, use for a pizza topping, turn into gazpacho or salsa, or fold into guacamole (yes, really!).

These stone fruits also reach their peak in July and August. They’re just as delectable as peaches but tend to be smaller and firmer and don’t have that telltale fuzz. You can use nectarines and peaches pretty interchangeably in recipes. We love pairing nectarines with raspberries in jam or a crisp or letting them shine simply poached or sautéed atop coconut pudding.

Everyone waxes on about summer tomatoes for a reason; they’re incomparably delicious when they’re in season. Try them in every color and size, and consider thinking ahead! And it’s never too early to start preserving—follow Martha’s guide and make oven-dried tomatoes or transform them into tomato purée, tomato water, or tomato confit so that you can enjoy the flavor all year long.

We love eating summer corn raw, but you can also accentuate its sweetness with quick cooking. When shopping, look for bright green husks, glossy silks, and plump, shiny kernels. Pro tip: The smaller the cob, the juicier the corn. Once corn is harvested, its sugars begin converting to starch, making it less sweet, so don’t dally once you bring it home! Try it every which way—grilled, pickled, sautéed, creamed, you name it. It even makes a sensational ice cream!