This Sunday is Father’s Day. As the weather have been warm and nice outside, I thought a BBQ recipe should be in order. I hope you enjoy this wonderful Teriyaki Burger recipe with your family and friends! Teriyaki Burger may sound very American, but it’s actually first created by a Japanese burger chain Mos Burger in 1973 (source) and it’s been a regular menu at McDonald’s and Mos Burger in Japan. This has been my favorite burger growing up when my mom lets me enjoy fast food. Today I’ve added grilled pineapple slice in the burger, which makes it more Hawaiian style and drizzled it with homemade Teriyaki Sauce.

A while ago we received a bottle of Troublemaker wine and a sample of “Troublemaker” Burger Blend from world-renowned butcher Bryan Flannery. Bryan made a blend of hamburger meat that pairs with his winemaker friend Austin Hope’s wine, Troublemaker (Mr. JOC reviewed the wine at the end of the post).

The “Troublemaker” Burger Blend consists of 25% prime chuck, 25% Wagyu shortribs, 25% prime hanger steak, 25% prime beef rib cap fat blend. Since it’s such a flavorful blend, I was recommended to season with just salt and pepper. The burger tasted fantastic and the meat was juicier and more tender than other burgers I’ve grilled before. The fatty Wagyu blended really well with the tougher hanger steak and created a unique texture that’s fun to bite into, and doesn’t make your mouth feel too greasy.

Now Mr. JOC will talk about the wine Troublemaker. We usually paired our burgers with beer, but this time we are going with the “double trouble” theme, and paired it with the Troublmaker wine from Hope Family Wines. It’s a very flavorful red wine that’s lightly filtered. Troublemaker Blend 6 is a blend made with five different types of grapes from 2 vintage years, and it takes your palate on a bit of a roller coaster ride. If I had to describe wines that’s made mostly from one grape as jazz music, the Troublemaker Blend 6 is like a fun rock and roll concert. It’s very robust with strong flavors of vanilla and chocolate. The taste is hard to describe, as you take the first sip, it’s extremely smooth but powerful flavors rush at you. The characteristic of the wine is not acidic and almost on the hinge on edge of a sweet wine. As the wine flows through your mouth, the flavors are all over the place. It’s spicy and not spicy, it’s sweet but not sweet. It’s as though the grapes are trying to figure out how to play with each other as it moves through your mouth. Since it’s lightly filtered, you can still taste the tiny bit of fruit. This is a fun wine I would recommend with burgers, hog dogs, steaks, and other grilled food this summer. Previous version of this wine has won gold medal for the San Francisco Chronicle wine Competition. Please note: We received no compensation for this review. We received Troublemaker and the “Troublemaker” Burger Blend from Jarvis Communications free of charge to use in exchange for an honest review. Wish to learn more about Japanese cooking? Sign up for our free newsletter to receive cooking tips & recipe updates! And stay in touch with me on Facebook, Pinterest, YouTube, and Instagram.